Free Masterclass

How To Scale Your Freelance Business Without Just Increasing Your Prices

Learn the exact strategy I use in my business to grow and scale enabling me to reach my income goals without scrabbling for new clients each month.

In only 15 minutes you'll learn:


The 3 things all our clients want

As a freelancer there are 3 main things that all our clients want and need from us. Learn what these are so you can better align your services to meet their needs.


My growth strategy

I'll be sharing my growth strategy with you so you can see how to stop living in the hustle and start expanding your freelance business the best way for you.


The no.1 service I recommend you add to your offerings

Perfect for VAs, graphic designers, web designers, OBMs etc, this service is what I focus on in my business and I will demonstrate exactly how it has helped me grow without trading all my time for money.

Meet your host, Cat Burchmore.

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